Internet Resources Relating to Nutrition for People with Huntington's Disease

Compiled by Renette Davis with assistance from people on the Mailing List for Huntington's Disease

Dysphagia Resource Center

Information on dysphagia, including instructions for subscribing to online discussion groups for dysphagia and links to other Internet resources.

Eating and Swallowing

Helpful hints for someone who has eating and swallowing difficulties. Written by Jeff Searle, MS. From the Caring for People with Huntington's Disease web site on the Internet.

Feeding Gastrostomy Home Page

If you help care for someone who is fed with a feeding gastrostomy (G-tube) then this page has information which may help you. Topics include stoma care, gas reduction, hints on cleaning tubing and other information which the manual may not contain.

Oley Foundation

The Oley Foundation provides free support and advocacy services to patients on home-infused nutrition support therapy and their caregivers.

Swallowing Disorders

Copy of an American Academy of Otolarynglogy - Head and Neck Surgery public service brochure. Includes the following sections: How you swallow, What causes swallowing disorders, Symptoms, Possible treatments.

Thick & Easy Purée Express

Commercial web site for Thick & Easy, which has a complete feeding program for people with swallowing disorders. Includes an excellent explanation of dysphagia.

This page developed and maintained by Renette Davis. If you know of any other Internet resources which should be added, please send to Renette by clicking here.

Last updated: Dec. 2, 2010