Someone Else's Life

by Katie Dale
Delacorte Press, 2012
ISBN 978-0-385-74065-4

Reviewed by Renette Davis

This is the story of two teenage girls, Rosie and Holly, who were swapped at birth. Rosie is brought up by Trudie, a woman who has Huntington's Disease. When Trudie dies, Rosie decides to get tested to see if she has the gene. However, when she tells her Mum's best friend, Sarah, that she is going to be tested, Sarah tells her that Trudie was not her biological mother.

Rosie goes on a quest to find her biological mother, who turns out to be a well-known actress, Kitty Clare. Kitty rejects Rosie but in the process, Rosie learns the name of her probable biological father. She goes to find him and discovers that he has a daughter, Holly, who was born the same day as she was.

There are lots of twists and turns to this story, some of which are pretty far-fetched, but I enjoyed reading the book and could hardly put it down. It did a very good job of explaining what Huntington's Disease is, and how difficult the decision to get tested is.

It is geared toward young people, but can be enjoyed by any age. However, it might be hard for someone who is at-risk to read. There is also some mild sex, but nothing more than would be in a PG-13 movie.

Created and maintained by Renette Davis. Send comments to her by clicking here.

Created: March 10, 2012
Last updated: March 10, 2012