Message from the President

"We Accept the Challenge"

From the Spring 2004 issue of Hopes & Dreams, newsletter of the Illinois Chapter, Huntington's Disease Society of America.

I would like to take this opportunity to share some potentially exciting news.

We are one of a number of geographic areas around the country being considered for a "Center of Excellence". The site in consideration is Rush University Medical Center, with Dr. Kathleen Shannon as its Director. That's the good news! The sobering news is a minimum of $50,000 is needed in this, the initial phase of the Center.

So here is our challenge:

A portion of the money raised ($20,000) by Michael Fiore's 2003 golf outing has been set aside or restricted for our Center. This leaves a balance of $30,000.

An anonymous local donor has made the following challenge:

If we in the HD community can raise not a penny less than $15,000, the donor will match the $15,000, allowing us to meet our initial commitment for the Center.

Let me first say thank you on behalf of the Officers and members of the Board of Directors of the Illinois Chapter as well as the members of the HD community to Michael Fiore and to our anonymous donor for their tireless efforts and generosity on behalf of HDSA and in bringing us closer to our dream of a "Center of Excellence".

Lastly, our thanks to all of you in advance for what I know will be a truly successful effort on our part to raise the $15,000 necessary to complete the equation.

The entire $50,000 has to be money not earmarked in our business plan for our other fundraising activities, therefore "New Money". We have created a Pledge Form, included in this newsletter, that will tell us how close we are and when we have reached our $15,000 goal. We would ask you, and members of your families and your friends, to pledge a dollar amount for the Center by April 30, 2004. Please honor your pledge with a check by June 1, 2004. When you submit your check, make it payable to HDSA, Illinois Chapter, and in the memo area in the lower left corner, indicate Restricted Funds for Center of Excellence. Make sure to mail your Pledge Form and check to our post office box by the aforementioned deadlines.

                              HDSA Illinois Chapter
                              Box 8383
                              Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 

The bar has been raised; the time is now to make our dream a reality. Let's make our "Center of Excellence Challenge" a huge success.

All of our HD patients and their families thank you and I thank you.

Barry Kahn, President - Illinois Chapter

Created and maintained by Renette Davis. Send comments to Renette by clicking here.

Created: June 20, 2004
Last updated: Nov. 14, 2010