Doctors Who Have Experience with HD

The following is a list of doctors in Illinois who see Huntington's Disease patients.


Kathleen M. Shannon, M.D.
Dept. of Neurological Sciences
Rush University
Medical Center
1725 W. Harrison St.
Professional Building, Suite 1118
Chicago, Il. 60612-3824
Phone:       312-563-2030
Website:    Rush Clinic
Office:        312-942-4500
Office Hours:  M-F  8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Satellite Offices:  Munster, Indiana
Oak Brook and Skokie, Illinois
Dr. Shannon is a neurologist who specializes in Huntington's Disease.

Dr. Steve Clingerman, Ph.D.
Coordinator of Neuropsychology Service
Cook County Hospital
Fantus Clinic, Dept. of Psychiatry
621 S. Winchester
Chicago, Il 60612-9985
Phone:      312-633-8632
Office Hours:  M-F  8 am - 4PM

Dr. Clingerman is the Chairperson of Family Services for the Illinois HDSA board
Dr. Un Jung Kang -Associate Professor
Dr. Arif Dalvi - Department of Neurology
PD & Movement Disorder Clinic
University of Chicago Hospitals
Address:          5841 S. Maryland Avenue
                           Chicago, IL 60637
Office Hours:  Monday - Friday
Time:                 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m
Phone:              773-702-6389
Website:          UofC PD & Movement Disorders

Created and maintained by Renette Davis. If you know of any doctors in Illinois who have experience with Huntington's Disease, please send their names, phone numbers, where their practice is located, etc. to Renette by clicking here.

Created: November 16, 1996
Last updated: Nov. 13, 2010