Diary of a Brain Tumor Patient's Wife

Aug. 5, 1997

Renette Davis

We talked to the radiation oncologist today and also to Paul's primary care physician. It looks like they want to try some chemotherapy along with the radiation therapy, since Paul is tolerating the radiation therapy so well. The hope is that the chemotherapy will make the radiation therapy more effective.

When we talked with Dr. Narasimhan, the radiation oncologist, this morning she hadn't talked to the medical oncologist yet so didn't know what drug(s) he was recommending. Dr. Will, the primary care physician, had talked to the medical oncologist by the time we saw Dr. Will this afternoon, but he couldn't remember what drug the medical oncologist was recommending.

He did say, however, that he thought it was capsule form instead of IV. He said that he thought the oral drug would have less side effects than the IV chemotherapy. His words were something like, "It would extend life without intolerable side effects."

Continue to: Aug. 7, 1997

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Created and maintained by Renette Davis. Send comments to Renette by clicking here.

Created: May 2, 1999
Latest revision: July 18,2010